I feel like it is a safe bet to say, that if you are on any form of social media in the Maldives, when I say Kween, you can immediately put a face behind the name. I also feel it is not an exaggeration when I say that she has taken over the modeling scene with her striking beauty that has the ability to stop you in your tracks. Her photo shoots and Instagram page have been the talk of the town so to speak and with very good reason.
I had the privilege of sitting down and chatting with our cover girl for this issue, Hawwa Inasha Gayyoom or as we all know her by her popular Instagram name; Kween.

Well originally I actually thought I would go with Queen with the Q, but I just felt like it was a bit too ‘serious’ or like I was claiming to be a queen you know? I just wanted it to be bit more fun and different
As I welcomed her into the Vibe office ready to sit down and get to know her, it was impossible to not compliment her on just how gorgeous she is. She was dressed in a simple long sleeved top and jeans with a bare face. After seeing her in multiple photos with a full face of makeup it was unbelievable how her natural beauty, minus any makeup was even more stunning. Immediately as she got the compliment she smiled and thanked me, seeming shyer than when she entered the room. It was obvious that she was still not used to receiving compliments on her appearance though I am sure that she gets them on a daily basis.
As she sat down and got comfortable I wanted to ease her into the interview and start of by asking her to tell us a little bit about herself :
Who is Kween? Tell us about yourself.
“Oh my god who am I? That is definitely a big question when asked on the spot like that huh? Hmm, okay well, Kween is me obviously, my name is Hawwa Inasha Gayyoom, I turned 18 in Jan of this year, and yes I am quite young. No one really ever thinks I’m only 18 they always assume that I am 20 or older.”
What are some of your favorite things in life?
“These days I’ve been prioritizing spending a lot of time with my family and friends specially my mum, because at some point I may leave for my studies. I also like to paint, that’s something a lot of people might not know about me, since I don’t share that aspect of my life on social media, but yea I love painting and graphic design and anything artsy. So yea I guess you could say I love dabbling in art oriented stuff and I adore spending time with my family and loved ones.”
I could tell throughout our interview that having to answer questions about herself seemed to be a bit of a challenge for her, but she slowly came out of her shell and more of her personality shone through. Kween was definitely shy but she harnesses a unique ability to switch that off in front of the cameras.
Is there any particular reason you chose the name Kween?
“Well originally I actually thought I would go with Queen with the Q, but I just felt like it was a bit too ‘serious’ or like I was claiming to be a queen you know? I just wanted it to be bit more fun and different, so I though why not write it with a ‘Kw’. And I guess the word Kween is sort of self-representative of how I feel as a person, I want to personify the confidence of a queen and I believe that all women should as well.”

I have a few, but one that really sticks in my mind and that I also try and tell other people is to ‘Live and Let Live’.
Has becoming a model always been something that you wanted to do?
“Actually modeling for me has always been a hobby. I actually want to become an interior architect, modeling has always been just something I did for fun, and I never really thought it would take me anywhere.”
Who are some of your inspirations in the international fashion industry?
“Well to say inspiration wouldn’t be the right word for me because I don’t really aspire to be like the models in the international fashion industry, because as I said before, I don’t plan on being a model by profession. But that being said, I do really like the vibe and looks of Rosie Huntington and Bella Hadid as for a hijab model Saufeeya Goodson.”
What would you say has been the highlight of your modeling experience to date?
“Hmm I don’t really know if I have a particular moment in mind, because I really enjoy everything I do in terms of shoots.”
Since you have mentioned that you plan to study to become an interior architect and that modeling is more of a past time, would you still continue modeling even after you start your career?
“Maybe. I haven’t really thought about it too much because my main goal has always been to become an interior architect and do other art and design related stuff, because that is what I studied. That’s definitely my area.”
Have you faced any obstacles so far within regards to modeling?
“Not really, my mum is really supportive and my friends are super supportive. I try and always focus on the positives and not focus on the negatives.”
What are your thoughts on the current fashion/modeling scene in the Maldives?
“To be honest I feel like models don’t really have a good platform or enough support to really pursue their careers here. I think that’s definitely one of the reasons why I don’t have goals of pursuing it as a serious career here in the Maldives.”
Where do you see your modeling career headed in the future?
“Well if I ever got a massive opportunity on an international platform that I cannot refuse, and if it comes along after I have achieved my goal to become an interior architect, I would definitely take that opportunity. Because no matter what the opportunity is I feel like I would want the extra security of having something to fall back on.”
Is there a quote or a saying that you swear by, or try and live your life according to?
“I have a few, but one that really sticks in my mind and that I also try and tell other people is to ‘Live and Let Live’.”
After I got through my questions she let out a big sigh of relief and was all smiles. This was her very first official interview given to any publication (print or otherwise.) Kween, you are wonderful and warm individual with such a sweet personality. We hope that you achieve all your goals and never stop modeling, because you definitely have that special something.