Quick beauty home remedies for busy moms

Being a mom is probably one of the busiest jobs in the world. Not only does it entail giving undivided attention to your family it is also one that leaves you with no ‘me time’. Most moms don’t have the time to groom themselves and soon your once regular beauty regime becomes a distant memory. But don’t fret; here is a quick beauty guide that will help you look and feel better in a jiffy.

For your skin:



Being busy and often stressed takes a toll on your skin. Here are some simple, effective yet quick things you can do to help get back that natural glow, beat fine lines due to ageing and look radiant like you just had a facial at the parlor.

Tip #1: Anti blemish facial

Take four to five table spoons of glycerin and add the juice of one lemon to it. The secret here is that the mixture should be in the proportion of 1:1, i.e.; there should be equal parts of both ingredients. Every night, take a small amount of this mixture and gently massage into your face and neck. Make sure you wash your face, and pat dry before you apply the mixture. Allow this mixture to stay on your face as long as possible. You can even sleep with it on. The best part about this pack is that it can be stored in a glass bottle for six to eight months.

This pack gives your skin a beautiful glow and prevents wrinkles and acne formation. The lemon content in it also acts as natural bleach and can lighten your skin over time.
Precaution: The mixture can be a bit sticky and a little uncomfortable in the beginning, keep applying it and you will see the difference.

For your hair:



Just tying your hair in a bun or a tight pony tail is one of the most common things busy moms do, but neglecting your hair is a recipe for disaster. Unkempt hair can lead to brittle, dull and damaged hair that is prone to breakage and falling. Here are some quick remedies you can try.

Tip #1: Conditioned hair sans the conditioner

The best way to skip those 10 minutes in the shower with conditioner on is to oil your hair well the night before. Oil your hair with your regular hair oil (the best for deep conditioning is coconut oil, sesame oil and olive oil). Apply it thoroughly on your scalp and then on the hair shaft. To add to the moisturizing effect of the oil, you could wrap up your hair in a hot towel for a few minutes. If you don’t have the time for that, cover your hair with a shower cap.Wash your hair the next morning with your regular shampoo. Remember not to over shampoo your hair and pat dry your hair.

Avoid making common hair drying mistakes. Here are some things you simply should not do:

  • Do not comb your hair when it is wet. Your hair is the weakest and most elastic when it is wet, combing them will cause your hair to stretch and break leading to split ends.
  • Do not rub your hair to dry it. This will cause tangles and lead to breakage when you try to remove the knots.
  • Do not strike your hair with a towel to dry it. This practice, commonly seen in Indian households, and is very bad for your hair. This vigorous striking motion may get rid of water but it causes your hair to become damaged and brittle.

For your feet



As a mom, your feet and back usually bear the brunt of all the running around you do, and going to the parlor for that manicure -pedicure takes too much time. So here are some quick fixes for your hands and feet.

Tip #1: Relaxing soak

If your feet hurt and you need a massage but don’t have anyone who can give you a foot rub try, this soak. Take a small tub of warm water (make it as hot as you can handle) and add one or two table spoons of rock salt (also known as unrefined salt) to the water. Now, add a few drops of tea tree oil to the mix. You can even try adding some aromatic oils like jasmine and lavender that have a very calming effect on your mind and body. Soak your feet for about half an hour to feel absolutely relaxed.

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